GTS Delivers Batteries to Create Big Savings

The Challenge

A large retailer of stationery and gifts has over 8,000 employees spread throughout the US armed with Intermec InfoLink devices. These employees work from their homes and travel from store to store checking inventory levels for products. The company faced a problem when shipping batteries to each individual became costly and time consuming.

The Solution

We worked closely with the customer to cost effectively manage the logistics of getting 8,000 plus batteries into the hands of 8,000 plus employees spread throughout the US. In addition to offering the customer a higher capacity battery at a significant cost savings, we undertook all the logistics and shipped the batteries directly to their employees’ homes.

The Result

Using a mix of UPS and US Postal Service, we were able to very cost effectively manage the shipping costs while alleviating them of the aggravation of individually packing and shipping thousands of parcels. Additionally, by including complete instructions on how to replace the battery and properly recycle the old battery, we dramatically reduced the number of calls placed to our customer’s Help Desk.